What to eat during your menstruation
What to eat during your menstruation
Did you know that what you eat during your menstruation can influence how you feel when you are on your period? Yes, good sleep and food has an impact on your health, but knowing what to eat and avoid when it’s that time of the month makes life so much easier! We are going to let you know which food make you feel better and why. Plus, what food to avoid.
Why does what you eat during your period matter?
We get it. You crave chocolate, candy and junk food which are high in sugar and fat. It feels so good to eat that, but it can make your blood sugar level spike and drop. And once it decreases, it often results in feelings of fatigue and irritability. And when you’re on your period, cramps feel worse and everything is more intense.
So what to eat during menstruation? You know, some foods can really help balance your hormones and improve your mood. Like, eating spinach replaces the iron lost while on your period, and salmon? Salmon's packed full of omega-3 fatty acids that will reduce inflammation and pain. And then there's whole grains-they give you sustained energy instead of just crashing.
Food you want to cut back on while being on your period
Caffeine: A stimulant, like in coffee and some sodas, it makes you jittery or anxious, and maybe worsens cramps. Try cutting back a little during your period if possible.
Sweets are equivalent to candy and desserts. Sugar is one such food that can kill your level of energy: providing a quick boost of energy, but soon one feels even tireder and drained out. Two, sugar triggers mood swinging.
Processed foods, i.e., fast foods and chips, make one uncomfortable and puffed out with additives and high salt in processed foods. Having a lot of raw and unprocessed foods is healthy for one and all.
Dairy: Many women find that they become very bloated and crampy if they consume a lot of dairy products before/around their period. If you find that this is the situation, try to eat less and see if this may help decrease some of your symptoms.
Best Foods to Eat During Menstruation
Let’s dive into what to eat during your menstruation.
Iron-Rich Foods
Do you always get more tired on your period? Well, you're losing iron with the bleeding. To replace that, you can consume foods that are rich in iron: spinach, red meat, and lentils. If you're vegetarian, you may opt for spinach and lentils.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Great for the inflammation, which pretty much is the reason why menstrual cramps seem to hurt that much. Foods such as salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts have these good fats in abundance, and they do, most definitely, help keep those painful cramps at bay along with controlling mood swings.
Complex carbs
If you find that you have energy all over the place, it may be because of complex carbs. Sweet potatoes, whole grains, and oats digest very slowly, enabling you to avoid those huge leaps in energy which send you crashing later.
Calcium isn't just good for your bones; it can help soothe cramps, too. Of course, there's much to love about milk and yogurt as sources of calcium, but lactose intolerant individuals can look out for a number of great fortified almond and soy milks available. This mineral is vital for helping muscles relax and pain dissipate.
Water-rich foods
Period bloat is just such a nuisance; hydrating helps, though. A great deal of water intake, along with foods high in water-like cucumbers, watermelon, and berries will keep you refreshed and comfortable.
Look for recipes that include these ingredients and experiment with what works for you.To discover what is best to drink during your period, you can read this article on Healthline.
Helpful supplements
Eating bad food during your menstruation, might get you feeling fatigued or cramps. Certain vitamins, and minerals can reduce those concerns, can make your period more manageable.
What are supplements that can help you during that time of the month?
Magnesium is a great mineral for cramps. It relaxes your muscles, which can lessen the level of the pain.
Vitamin B6 can help make you reduce your mood swings. You can alsofind in food like bananas and chicken.
Vitamin E eases that sore feeling in your breast. If you don’t prefer supplements, you can try munching on foods rich in, like sunflower seeds or avocados.
Always touch base with your doctor or a healthcare provieder before you start any new supplements. They’ll guide you on how much to take and make sure it’s safe for you.
Everybody's different, so easy does it. Do your best and remember that some experimentation could go into finding what exactly works for you.
Taking care of what you eat during your menstruation isn't only being healthy in general—although, that's a nice one too—it's about getting your body to feel slightly better when it really needs a hug. Just keep in mind, though, there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to understanding what you eat during your menstruation. Monitor your symptoms every time you consume particular foods and experiment with your diet to determine what works best for you in alleviating your symptoms.
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